Agenda Highlights 10/11/22

city branding and style guide

The Fort Smith Board of Directors study session meeting agenda for 10-11-22 starts with the Board reviewing the new Branding and Style Guide that is designed to establish consistency in style and branding throughout all City communications. It establishes official fonts and color palette and includes powerpoint and letterhead templates and social media guidelines and updates to the logo.

list of 2023 street overlays fort smith

The Street Department will present their 5 year Capital Improvement Program Plan for the improvements to be funded by the 1 cent sales tax for streets, bridges, and drainage. Highlights of the plan include 10.7 miles of street overlays, widening Kelley Highway from Midland to Riverfront Drive, realignment of Airport Boulevard to allow the Air National Guard access to the airport property, widening Massard between Wells Lake Road and I-49, and a new signal at Massard and Chad Colley. A partnership between ARDOT and the City (with the City responsible for 16% of the project up to $2 million) will result in a complete rehabilitation of 4 miles of Towson from Garrison to Zero including upgraded drainage, replaced curbs, and installation of sidewalks. After the project is finished, Towson will no longer be a State Highway and instead will be a Fort Smith owned city street.

collage of photos of parks capital improvements

The Parks and Recreation Department will present their 5 year Capital Improvement Program plan to be funded by the 1/8 cent sales tax for Parks capital improvements. Planned improvements at multiple locations in the parks system include removing old restrooms and replacing them with new prefabricated restrooms and replacing concrete picnic tables in the pavilions with powder coated metal ones.

Other highlights include construction of the Maybranch Trail, with Phase I of the project being a 2.9 mile 10 ft wide asphalt trail from River Front Drive to Creekmore Park, then Phase II extending to connect Martin Luther King Park to Creekmore. A joint venture with the FCRA will result in a 7.1 mile Chaffee Crossing Trail walking trail system.

There are plans for construction of 2 new dog parks. Phase I of the Chaffee dog park will include perimeter fencing, water, seating, and shade. The other is set to be built on Old Greenwood Road.

Highlights for John Bell Jr. Park include adding a pavilion next to the playground and a pickleball court. Highlights for Tilles Park include replacing the crusher dust walking trail with an asphalt or concrete one, repairs to the basketball courts, and new play equipment. Highlights for Creekmore Park include a massive overhaul of the bathhouse, adding 2 basketball courts, resurfacing the top 4 tennis courts, and upgrades to the community center building kitchen. A potential expansion is being considered for Parrot Island Water Park. Possible improvements at Hillcrest Park include a small stage, increased lighting, and additional playground amenities. Highlights for Riley Farm Park include upgrading existing wooden bridges to a more durable material like metal or concrete. Highlights for Spradling Park include improvements to the basketball court and adding covered seating around the playground. Highlights for Stagecoach Park include a crusher dust walking trail and a pavilion.

police suv

The Police will present their 5 year Capital Improvement Program plan to be funded by the 1/8 cent sales tax for Police. The most notable planned expense is a 23.87% salary increase for officers. This increase would raise entry level pay to $50,000 per year, matching the salary offered by the State Police. Other highlights include additional software and/or personnel to review body cam footage, renewal of the Taser/Axon contract, purchase of Shot Spotter, and lease of an East Side precinct in 2024.

fire truck

The Fire Department will present their 5 year Capital Improvement Program plans to be funded by the 1/8 cent sales tax for Fire. Their plans are dominated by replacement of fire trucks and also include a new maintenance facility and combined Police and Fire training facility.

street with stripe

The Streets Department will present their 10 year Capital Improvement Program plan. Their plan is dominated by vehicle and equipment replacement purchases.

list of 2023 sidewalk plans fort smith

The Streets Department will also present their plans for sidewalks in 2023 including 2.72 miles of new construction and .95 miles of repairs.

men repairing manhole sewer

The Utilities Department will present their 10 year Capital Improvement Program plans.

dump truck garbage truck

The Solid Waste Services Department will present their 10 year Capital Improvement Program plans. Highlights include replacement of trucks and a compost grinder and bulldozer and construction of drive through truck wash bay.

fort smith transit bus

The Board will review the Transit Asset Management 5 year plan detailing the condition of all of the Transit assets including vehicles and buildings and plans for their eventual replacement. This Transit Asset Management 5 year plan must be submitted to the federal government annually in order to qualify for federal funding.


Agenda Highlights 10/18/22


Agenda Highlights 10/4/22