Agenda Highlights 10/8/24

satellite image of 5500 Spring Mountain Rd

At the Fort Smith Board of Directors meeting scheduled for 10-8-24, the Board will vote on zoning changes for 5500 Spring Hill Road that would allow for the 23.55 undeveloped acres to be developed into the Liberty Ridge subdivision composed of 74 single family residential lots.

The Board will vote on whether to amend the Unified Development Ordinance to standardize and modernize language regarding signage for the entire city. Proposed changes include removing the requirement for monument signs to be within a certain proximity to the property line, allowing whole monument signs to be used for advertising, allowing banners for a limited time for special events and new businesses, allowing facade signage on accessory structures, and allowing signage at business parks/shopping centers to advertise the businesses located in the park/center.

taxi rooftop light

The Board will vote on whether to renew Westark Taxi’s franchise to operate a taxi service for 5 years.

graphic of a committee seated around a table

The Board will vote on whether to establish a Utility Advisory Committee. The committee would be made up of 3 Directors and 1 citizen from each of the 4 wards. It would meet at least monthly to research and advise the Board on water and sewer matters. The committee was discussed at the 9-24-24 study session meeting.

623 Garrison building exterior

The Board will vote on a resolution affirming that they would prefer for City offices to remain in the 623 Garrison building and would like to pursue purchase of the building (rather than consider purchasing a different building in a different neighborhood). The resolution if passed would only state the Board’s preference on the matter to direct Administration what to focus on. Any actual purchasing related decisions would have to come before the Board for a vote. The matter was discussed at the 9-24-24 study session meeting.

graphic showing taxes and a house and money

The Board will vote on re-approving the City’s share of the County property taxes for 2024 at the same rate. The City’s share of the property tax would be 5 mills to the general fund, and 1 mill each to the library, fire retirement and pension, and police retirement and pension. The rates are at the State maximum except for the one for the library. The tax for the general fund is expected to generate $8.5 million.

map of sewer repairs 10-8-24 meeting

The Board will vote on contracting with Krapff Reynolds for 8,160 ft of sewer pipe repairs, cleanouts, and manholes. The contract would be for $3,145,779. The original estimate for the project was $1,847,795.28. The funding would come from the sales tax for consent decree sewer work.

satellite image of acme brick property

The Board will vote on whether to contract with RDG Planning and Design for up to $698,000 for the creation of a masterplan for the former Acme Brick property purchased by the City to be redeveloped into detention ponds to reduce flooding and a park.

birch recycling logo

The Board will vote on accepting a settlement from Birch Recycling with whom the City contracted for recycling from August 2020 through August 2024. The City claims there was a financial discrepancy of $850,921.24 owed to the City by Birch from the proceeds of the sales of recyclable materials. Birch disputed that claim but has agreed to settle for the full amount.


Agenda Highlights 10/15/24


Agenda Highlights 9/24/24