Agenda Highlights 11/16/21

brooken hill zoning artist rendering

At the Fort Smith Board of Directors meeting to be held 11-16-21, the Board will vote on whether to approve zoning changes to allow for property at 2300 Brooken Hill Drive (formerly part of the Fianna Hills Golf Course) to be developed into a commercial development.

sales tax cartoon graphic

The Board will consider two options concerning extension of the 1/4% sales tax ,the income from which is split equally between the Fire Department and Parks and Recreation Department, that is set to expire 9-30-22. One option will be that they may vote at the meeting on whether to just extend the tax through 9-30-2042 by ordinance. The other option they may choose at the meeting is that they may refer the issue to the voters and let them vote to extend the tax or not extend the tax to 2042 on 2-8-2022.

electric vehicle charging stations

The Board will vote on whether to lease up to six parking spots on North 2nd Street near the property that was formerly the Park at West End and 2 spots near the Convention Center for $10.00 per year for a term of 15 years with an option to renew for an additional 5 years to Francis Energy for electric vehicle charging stations. The costs of installing the charging stations and their operation will be the responsibility of Francis Energy.


Agenda Highlights 12/2/21


Agenda Highlights 11/9/21