Agenda Highlights 1/14/25

plans for former acme site

At the Fort Smith Board of Directors study session meeting scheduled for 1-14-25, the Board will discuss the planning for the former Acme Brick property. Halff Engineering was selected to do the engineering planning for the flood retention pond portions of the project. At the 10-8-24 meeting, the Board voted against contracting with RDG for a master plan for the entire property that would incorporate both the flood ponds and the park amenities. There were concerns expressed by some Directors about the master planning process slowing down the building of the flood ponds. Representatives from Halff and RDG will address the Board regarding the benefits of the planning for both the flood mitigation and the park being collaborative.

graphic of committee discussing around a table

The Board will review a revised version of the charter to establish the Utility Advisory Committee. The charter was up for a vote for approval at the 1-7-25 meeting, but was tabled to the study session and to the 2-4-25 meeting to allow for changes requested by the Board at the 1-7-25 meeting. The new version of the charter includes requested added language that specifies that the items to be researched, investigated, or reviewed by the committee will be determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

supreme court building exterior

The Board will discuss the US Supreme Court overturn of Chevron Deference in the Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo decision. This decision overturned the previous practice that allowed federal agencies including the EPA to interpret ambiguous law including the Clean Water Act. This change could potentially impact the consent decree that Fort Smith is under. This issue was originally slated for the 11-12-24 meeting where it was tabled to the 12-10-24 that was cancelled.


Agenda Highlights 1/21/25


Agenda Highlights 1/7/25