Agenda Highlights 3/29/22

yellow plastic cup

The Fort Smith Board of Directors study session meeting to be held 3-29-22 will begin with a discussion about the enforcement of penalties for non-compliance with the rules of the city’s entertainment districts. There has been some concern expressed about some businesses letting customers leave the business with alcohol that is not in the designated plastic cups that have been approved by the City Administrator or without the approved wristbands. The current plan for penalties is that under the municipal code the Police can issue misdemeanor citations to any business or individual caught violating the rules. The fines for the 1st offense may not exceed $1000, may not exceed $2000 for the second offense, and may not exceed $4000 for subsequent offenses. If violation is continuous, the fine may not exceed $500 per day. The entertainment district rules like cups and wristbands are city ordinances. The state laws concerning alcohol still apply and individuals and businesses that are in violation of the state laws (like minors in possession of alcohol, selling alcohol to minors, taking open containers outside of the entertainment district, etc.) are subject to state penalties but state laws and penalties don’t cover the city issues like cups and wristbands.

blue future fort smith logo

Then the Future Fort Smith Committee will present a report on their Top 10 priorities including communications, economic development, the consent decree, homelessness, improving existing infrastructure, sidewalks, city beautification projects, support for police and fire, expansion of housing, and continued expansion in education. They will also present a spreadsheet of action items from 2021 by the Board of Directors that contributed to achievement of Future Fort Smith Comprehensive Plan goals.

city of fort smith logo

The last item is the annual review of the Board of Directors Best Practices Document. This list of non-binding guidance suggestions includes things like a code of conduct and ethics and the responsibilities for the Board of Directors.


Agenda Highlights 4/5/22


Agenda Highlights 3/15/22