Agenda Highlights 3/8/22

people gathered at a table speech bubbles with dollar signs

The Fort Smith Board of Directors study session to be held 3/8/22 will be a little different from the typical study session meeting format. The Board is inviting input from the public at the meeting on the topic of the Sales Tax Advisory Committee to be created by 4-5-22 to keep an eye on and make reports on the money coming in through sales taxes and how that money is being spent. These taxes will include the existing 1% sales tax for streets, drainage and bridges and if they are renewed by the voters on 5-24-22, the .25% sales tax for Parks capital projects and the Fire Department and the .75% sales tax for the Police Department and consent decree sewer repairs.

Details about the committee will be discussed. Some suggestions already slated for discussion are that it would be made up of 8 members, 1 from each ward, plus 1 CPA, plus the Deputy City Administrator and Finance Director who would have a voice on the committee, and the Mayor who would not have a voice except in the event of a tie breaker being needed. The committee would provide quarterly reports to the Board of Directors. The committee would meet twice per quarter with the first meeting being the main one where the tax revenue and expenditures are reviewed and the second being just to approve the minutes of the meeting and the report to be presented to the Board of Directors.

Even though this is a study session, the public is encouraged to attend and share their ideas and feedback on the plans for the Sales Tax Advisory Committee out loud at the meeting.

exterior of convention center

Convention Center General Manager from OVG Facilities Marc Mulherin will give a presentation on the Convention Center including its accomplishments and challenges last year and it’s plans for this year. Covid caused the Convention Center to fall well below its planned profit and attendance goals but the slower than expected period allowed for deep cleaning of the facility and upgrades including adding in-house catering and a banquet kitchen.

city of fort smith logo

The Board will do its annual review of the Board Best Practices Document. This list of non-binding guidance suggestions includes things like a code of conduct and ethics and the responsibilities for the Board of Directors.


Agenda Highlights 3/15/22


Agenda Highlights 3/1/22