Agenda Highlights 9/12/23

graphic of different types of houses on  a street with trees

The Fort Smith Board of Directors study session meeting scheduled for 9-12-23 will begin with a presentation from Community Development Director Gabucci regarding affordable housing as it relates to the Community Development Block Grant and HOMES federal grant programs. Caleb Brown with the Crawford Sebastian Community Development Council will also speak regarding that organization’s role in affordable housing.

satellite image of intersection of Free Ferry and Albert Pike

The Board will discuss potentially building a roundabout at the intersection of Free Ferry and Albert Pike. This issue was up for a vote at the 8-15-23 meeting and was discussed some at that meeting including input from multiple residents of that neighborhood in opposition to the roundabout. The issue was tabled at that meeting to allow for further discussion first and because there were 2 Directors absent.

list of water capital improvement projects for 2023
list of sewer CIP projects for 2023
list of consent decree sewer projects for 2023

The Board will hear updates on the water, wastewater, and consent decree related wastewater Capital Improvement Plans. This discussion was originally on the agenda for the 8-29-23 meeting with the updates on Capital Improvement Plans from all of the other departments, but was tabled due to the long length of that meeting.


Agenda Highlights 9/19/23


Agenda Highlights 9/5/23