Live Music Lineup 2/18/22-2/19/22
Friday 2-18-22
906 Lounge- Brooke White Band (acoustic)
Ava’s at Fianna-Trey Russell
Boondocks- Brett Pennington
Cherokee Casino- Johnny Dale Roberts
Farewell Party- Grannies Nightmare
Fort Smith Little Theater- Smoke on the Mountain
Hero's- Dominic Bryan Roy
JJ's Grill- Mark Albertson
La Huerta- Bill Flaspohler
Majestic- Kid Kentucky Kid Rock Tribute Band, Dixie Misfits
Perry's Place-Stray Bullet Band
R. Landry's- Gary Hutchison Roosters- James Strong Band
Temple Live- Frank Foster, Dylan Earl , Crawford & Power
Uncork'd- Heath Wright
Vault 1905- Vince Turner
Saturday 2-19-22
906 Lounge- Rainkings
Ava’s at Fianna- Bordertown
Boondocks- Claire Roberts
Cherokee Casino- Big Shane Thornton
Choctaw Casino- Brady Robertson Farewell Party- Shotgun Funeral, The Alive, Tony Lee
Fort Smith Little Theater- Smoke on the Mountain
Hero's- Wanda Watson, Mark Albertson
JJ's Grill- Whippersnapper JKC Cellars- Damon Mitchell
La Huerta- Truck Stop Poets
Majestic- Avery Stinnett, Trent Fletcher Band, Gannon Fremin &CCREV
Recovery Room at 91st Street- Bricktown Trio
Roosters- Brooke White Band
Shooters- TVH
Uncork'd- Jason Campbell