Live Music Lineup 1/14/22-1/15/22
Friday 1-14-22
906 Lounge- Don Bailey w/ Tabitha Graves
Ava’s at Fianna- Kimball Davis
Boondocks- Claire Roberts
Cherokee Casino- Phil McGarrah Acoustic
Farewell Party-Jeff Horton Band Fort Smith Activity Center- Richard Rauch Band
Hero's- Redwitch Johnny, The Salesman
JJ's Grill- Marc Albertson La Huerta- Grannies Nightmare
Perry's Place- James Strong
Uncork'd- Grant and Jennifer Nesbit
Vault 1905- Bill Flaspohler
Saturday 1-15-22
906 Lounge- Bordertown
Ava’s at Fianna- Moonshine Blue
Boondocks- Mike Oliver and Jarrell Jarvis
Cherokee Casino- Lyle Parman and Slidebar
Hero's- Mama Tryde La Huerta- Last Call
Majestic- Cody Hibbard, Chad Cooke
Recovery Room at 91st Street- Kimball Davis
Uncork'd-Chris and Lolly