Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting 10/19/21

At the Fort Smith Board of Directors meeting held 10-19-21, it was unanimously approved to abolish the existing Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities Advisory Committee that has struggled to have a quorum in attendance (only one meeting ever achieving quorum).

All of the Board but Director Martin voted in favor of replacing it with the new Water Advisory Committee as required by Arkansas State law because of the number of customers our water department serves that are outside of the city limits. The committee is required to be made up of one member from each of the 4 city wards and 2 members who are customers from outside of the city limits. Those non-resident members must be direct billed customers, like those living along the transmission lines in the James Fork service area, not ones billed by another entity that buys water from Fort Smith like Van Buren customers. The committee will meet at least once per year but not more than once per quarter. A water rate study will be conducted every 5 years by the outside firm Burns and McDonald. Utilities Director McAvoy expressed how vital he feels like citizen input is on water issues especially on Capital Improvement Plans.

The Board voted unanimously to allow for the demolition of a dilapidated fire damaged abandoned building at 616 North 19th if repairs are not made in 30 days. The unsafe structure has not had utilities on since 1989. The long length of time that this structure has been vacant and in bad condition sparked a broader discussion on our city’s policy on abandoned buildings in disrepair. Directors Martin, Morton, and Good all expressed an interest in looking into ways to speed up the process to have abandoned buildings that are a blight on their neighborhoods dealt with. Director Good suggested the possibility of establishing a committee on this issue.

The Board voted with all but Director Catsavis in favor of leasing the Kelley Park Ball Fields to Fort Smith Youth Baseball and Softball. Fort Smith Youth Baseball and Softball board member Shay Hamilton spoke in support of the FSYB&S. He also clarified that churches would still be able to sponsor teams, just in addition to any other sponsors (including business and other organizations) that want to have a team. Resident Micheal Schwarz spoke to express concern that teams sponsored by churches might have to compete against stronger tournament teams. Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Chris Reibel shared (at the request of Director Martin) his personal top 5 reasons for his vote in favor of FSYB&S over the Church League during the selection process. He cited FSYB&S ‘s forward thinking on economic impact for the community (especially tournaments), coordinated management of 17 ball fields including the Girls and Boys Club fields instead of just the current 8 or 9, instructional clinics, background checks, and the experience of the FSYB&S governing board. He responded to questions from Director Morton to assure that every child who wants to play will have the opportunity and that there will be a program in place for scholarships for kids who can’t afford the dues. Director Rego mentioned being a parent of a child who currently plays Church League and expressed his excited support for the FSYB&S and the new group’s future forward and inclusive plans. Mayor McGill praised our city’s talent and time and energy invested in youth baseball and expressed his hope that someday we’ll have a team in the Little League World Series. Director Morton mentioned to Parks Director Reinert that citizens have expressed concern about the condition of the bathrooms at the Kelley Ballfields and the need to make sure that they are in good repair before the change of management. Director Catsavis expressed that his vote against the lease going to FSYB&S was not against FSYB&S but because his heart is with the Church League where his granddaughter currently plays tee ball.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the contract with Fort Smith Public Schools for the Southside Mavericks Soft Ball program to continue using the Ted Skokos Field at the Kelley Ball Fields complex through 2026.

The Board voted unanimously to set in motion the process to accept Fort Smith’s share of the $20 million Arkansas is set to receive in the recent settlement from opioid distributors. Director Rego inquired when we might start actually receiving funds and Administrator Geffken predicted as soon as the first quarter of next year. Administrator Geffken also clarified for Director Martin that the funds would be specifically for use for addiction related programs.

The extension of the animal services contract with Kitties and Kanines through 4-30-22 to allow more time for a longer term agreement to be prepared for the board to vote on was unanimously approved.

The Board was presented with binders with printed copies of the entire 2022 budget inside. The hearing on the budget was scheduled for Thursday November 4,2021.


Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting 11/2/21


Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Study Session Meeting 10/12/21