Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting 12/14/21

graphic of a calendar with text "study Session"

The Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting held 12-14-21 kicked off with an item not previously on the agenda. Director Morton asked for a study session to be added to the schedule next week to deal with multiple items that he felt were urgent. He did not elaborate on what items he wanted the Board to discuss at the session even when asked by other Directors. He did even provide a hint as to the general subject of the items to be put on the issue. He did answer Director Catsavis’s question about if the items were things that needed addressed before the first of the year that they were. Director Dawson noticed the “intensity” in Director Morton’s voice and regarded it as a sign that the undisclosed matters must be of importance. After some discussion to find a time that would work for everyone on the Board and would allow for adequate time for public input and would comply with rules about advanced notice about meetings, it was decided unanimously that the study session meeting would be held Monday 12-20-21 at 6pm.

yellow plastic cup

The Board voted unanimously to clarify the ordinance pertaining to the entertainment districts by specifying that it is the City Administrator who must approve all the cups and wristbands that allow for customers to walk outside in the entertainment districts with alcoholic beverages. The ordinance had previously stated that cups and wristbands needed to be approved by the city, but did not specify who would do that approval. During the 2021 Steel Horse Rally there was some confusion on the matter that drew attention to the need for clarification.

kopco logo

It was unanimously approved for Kopco to participate in the state taxback program that refunds sales tax on certain purchases for business expansion. The planned expansion at Kopco is estimated to cost between $500,000 and $1.5 million for new machinery.

Director Settle called for the item concerning a $95,000 1 year contract with First Western Insurance Agency be tabled and instead added to the agenda for the newly scheduled Monday study session to allow for more discussion on the subject before a vote. The item was tabled with all but Director Rego voting in favor of tabling it. It was added to the agenda for Monday night.

The waterline extension for Excelsior Drive to serve the Owens Corning plant, the purchase of materials for concrete, and the additional $24,000 spending for the Transit backup generator were all unanimously approved.

During the Officials Forum portion of the meeting, Director Settle brought up that other cities came to our aid during the 2019 flood and that he felt that we should return the favor for the Arkansas cities hit by the recent devastating tornado. Administrator Geffken responded that he would contact the Arkansas Municipal League and find out who to talk to to see about providing them some help.

South U vacant lot

It was also brought up by Director Martin that he has heard some feedback from citizens concerned about a proposed zoning change on South U (at the former site of the old Malco Twin) that would allow for development for Next Step Homeless Services. Planning Director Maggie Rice spoke that the Planning Commission had held a neighborhood meeting on 12-2-21 about the issue and zero citizens were in attendance to comment on it, but that at the Planning Commission meeting where the issue was voted on the afternoon of 12-14-21 there were citizens in attendance to speak against the change. She informed the Board that the Planning Commission voted to deny Next Step’s application with 2 members in favor and 7 opposed. So the issue at this point is not up to the be presented to the Board of Directors for a vote. Next Step has the opportunity to appeal the decision, but has not submitted an appeal yet. If they do appeal it could go to the Board on 1-4-22.

The Board voted to approve the reappointment of Brett Abbot and the appointment of Michelle Dodroe to the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals , the appointment of Timothy Varner to the Future Fort Smith Committee, and the appointment of Ann-Gee Lee to the Transit Advisory Commission.


Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting 12/21/21


Highlights of the Fort Smith Board of Directors Meeting 12/2/21